Friday, December 2, 2011

Reform Movements: Mormon

The textbook talks about how the Mormon movement started and I thought it was interesting how the book says that to enable Utah to become part of the Union, the citizens ratified a constitution that forever banned polygamy, but the state government has never strictly enforced this ban. But I've watched a show called Sister Wives that follows a polygamist family, the Brown family, who publicly announced that they were polygamist and how they were forced to move from Utah because they were polygamists and the husband could have gone to jail. I dont understand how the book says the law over polygamy isn't strictly enforced, when it actually is. I also dont see why people constantly are fighting over religious beliefs in the US even though everyone has the right to believe in what they want to believe and we also have freedom of speech and can say what we want about our religious beliefs as long as we don't force it on others. I think people and the government should leave families like the Brown family because they aren't doing anything wrong. The husband is a better father than a lot of fathers in the US because he takes care of his own children and loves them, while there many who dont even pay child support or ever see their child.

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